Mountain Lodge
After finishing our Mt. Kenya trek, we met once again with a 4×4 and were driven back to Nanyuki, the town where we had met our guides a week earlier. We exited a different gate than we had entered, seeing what we thought was most of the mountain at this point.
We then met Sam, our driver for the next 12 days, and he took us to Mountain Lodge. Turns out, this lodge is, well, on the mountain – so right back into Mt. Kenya National Park did we go! But this time, through a different gate, so now, we can say, we saw the mountain.
This lodge we had heard of, and it was pretty damn cool. All rooms over look a watering hole, which usually has a plethora of animals and birds. You can get on a sign up list to be woken up at night should your favorite animal come by the water hole.
We walked into the lunch buffet area, and the place was packed. And not with ordinary people. Pretty sure we were the only Americans, by far the most filthy (no time for a shower yet), and the youngest by at least 15 years. Plus, everyone was, how do I say this politely, but, really not very attractive! I wish I had a pic of these animals at their feeding grounds!
Samburu National Park
After a lovely night and cleansing shower at Mountain Lodge, we headed north to Samburu National Park. This place was really neat. It had palm trees much like the ones in the California deserts, except they exhibited dichotomous branching. This place supported numerous gerenuks, dik diks, a leopard, cheetah, the cutest baby elephant, and numerous other bovine species. Oh, and did I mention they monkeys that constantly stole our breakfast bread?!!
The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed our two days there. We even got one of the nicest bandas in the whole place!

Around the lodge: