Just some highlights:
We left Moshi, Tanzania on a loooong bus ride to Mombasa, where our super nice 5-star hotel had sent a van to get us. You know the rest – tropical blue waters, the most amazing resort with a huge pool, 1000’ of private beach coastline, the best buffets you can imagine, and oh yea, pool and beach volleyball everyday with the staff.
But rather than tell you what you’ve already guessed, we are going to show you some funny images from our stay.
First, we were the only Americans. Maybe even in all of Kenya at the time. So, we are talking lots of Europeans. With tiny bikinis (on the men, that is), smoking a pack a day, and all kinds of other trouble.

Not only did we have guy with big wedgie (is he wearing undies or a suit?) on our snorkel trip, but also – check out the scowl of the woman in the top right. She was so pissed the entire time, making angry faces and spewing out pissed off words in some language we did not know. Her poor husband knew he was in the dog house and just kept trying to politely smile through it all. We loved that even if the language is different, human reactions are still the same.
Also, sorry no pics, one of the Kenyan snorkel guides, was hitting so hard on one of the passengers. He kept looking her up and down, and staring at her stomach area, and elsewhere. Why is this memorable? She was at least 300lbs. In Kenya, overweight means wealth, and many men find it irresistibly attractive. We loved it, because it is so different from how most things are in the USA, and hoped that it worked out for the two of them.
The monkeys that caused trouble every morning at breakfast. This day, they discovered the sugar packets on the tables, and were just going wild. Some were eating the entire packet, while others had discovered how to rip them open and lick out the sugar.
So we went on a day long snorkel trip, as we always do in tropical places, but this time, I was unsuccessful in breaking my underwater camera. Thus, I boast pictures of the still working-fine piece of electronic equipment.
We also had some fun in the pool.
Our last day at the beach, toes in the sand:
Off to a sweaty car ride to the Mombasa Airport (just about the size of Nantucket’s tiny one, except this one is a truly international airport…. and then onto our dual engine, 12-seater prop plane – which only flew to 12,000’ because they did not pressurize the cabin (one lady got a little sick from altitude). The entire time we smelled exhaust fumes – when, once landed in Nairobi, we asked the pilot. His reply? “Oh, yea, this plane, you never know”. Hmmmm.
Boarding Emirates for Dubai. Happy this plane looks a bit better maintained.