At breakfast Rebecca showed up (our good friend from UC Davis, who had arrived in Kathmandu the night before). We spent the day together enjoying food, shopping (ie being pestered and bargaining in tiny street shops while trying not to be run over!), and a visit to the monkey temple.

The monkeys at the temple were in full form, from an adult male stealing chips from the hand of a tourist who thought he was being sneaky enough to hide them, to the babies showing off for the camera.
The prayer flags are really something. I never understood them until standing underneath hundreds of them, so subtly blowing in the wind. The calming effect is very powerful.

Dinner at a great Thai place in the city was interrupted by the lights going off, city-wide. We soon heard the generator of our restaurant kick in, as well as hundreds of others all across the city. We then realized, well, this must happen all the time, seeing how everyone has backup power. Nothing even skipped a beat, even the karyoke picked up right where it had left off.