While spending August on Nantucket, Holly flew out to visit me. We packed our things into my Jeep, left the island by ferry, and began our trip west. This was my first time driving further west than PA, and would be my first time being further west than Colorado. You can image in the excitement.
When Holly arrived on Nantucket, she had brought everything with her for a week in the sun and surf, as well as a trip car-camping across America:
Our trip began with our first stop at Bucknell to visit some friends. We also met up with this guy I had been in touch with, who had been so generous to offer us a place for the night, rather than have us camp somewhere in the woods. Who was this guy?
We’ll find out later if he’ll be a a keeper or not. For us, its westward bound!
Typical camp site
We really had something going getting 100mpg, until we ran out of gas in Utah. Turns out when the sign says “gas, next exit”, it actually meant to drive another 20 miles from the freeway. We rolled into the station as the car died and ran exactly out of gas.
Things got a bit weird in middle America. We did stop in Kansas to visit one of Holly’s friends, and to sneak some internet from the University library. Remember when AIM was cool? Yea, us too.
Finally, the Rockies.
Nothing like a summer hike at my favorite ski resort!
More of the west
Arches National Park
And onto Zion National Park
More pics from the road:
We made it to Las Vegas and met up with a couple friends. It was oh about 115-degrees. I had never experienced dry heat before. In New England, you feel the heat as soon as you walk outside. This dry heat was weird – I did not feel hot at first. Trust me, it was hot.
Holly flew home from Vegas, and I had to drive all the way back to CT. I made the trip in about 2 days 15 hours.
This trip was the start of many more trips with Holly and with new friends who I will end up meeting along the way. Thanks Holly, for showing me how!
– Chez, Sept 2004